What the heck is Post Quantum Cryptography?
There is a myth that being an in-house counsel is easy. True, you do not have ten clients to take care of at the same time. However, you have to really learn about the thing your company is doing. And when it is some technology related to quantum computer and cryptography, this could be difficult (trust me, the adjective difficult is being moderate).
Well - let me try to explain what I know: -
Everyone has heard of hacking. In short, hacking is breaking into computer system by gaining control of the input of a computer, and thereby altering the output or obtaining certain confidential information. Cryptography is one of the ways to protect information against hacking.
When you enter your credit card number on the web, that communication is protected by (a) an encrypted channel; and (b) a public key exchange. (I have to admit that I still do not completely get the idea of encrypted channel and public key exchange. Someone who has a good way of explaining that - please let me know.)
Currently, this type of security and encryption is mostly sufficient to protect your critical information (from your birthday to online banking passwords) from most hackers.
Yet, there is a new technology in place – quantum computers. Again, in junior technology term, these are super computers who could do calculations extremely efficiently and could potentially break the current cryptography in place.
PQC (Post Quantum Cryptography) is a form of protection (cryptography) that are strong enough that both a normal computer (that you are using) and a quantum computer (being developed) could not break.
That's some exciting issues I learnt over the last two months. More to come!
P.s. Some youtube videos which I learnt from on this topic: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9PqVcgT1kQ&list=PLibNZv5Zd0dyCoQ6f4pdXUFnpAIlKgm3N
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