To My Friends who Climbed Mount Fuji Together

To My Friends who Climbed Mount Fuji Together
Dear Friends - We got to the top of Mount Fuji! (示意圖 as I missed the last group picture. )

Dear Annie, Angus, Karen, and Saisai,

We have climbed and got to the top of the Mount Fuji together.

Having known others for more than 10 years, we have done quite a few things together. Now we add Mount Fuji to the list. 

Thank You

Thanks for spending time and the precious holiday together. 

Thanks for doing the booking and looking into all the information. (Apologies for being practically useless on this end.)

Thanks for pushing through when I got cold feet after reading news of how many tourists are herding towards Mount Fuji and how Hong Kong people fell off the mountain and died almost on a daily basis.

This trip will not happen without you.

Having you as my friends is one of the greatest blessings of my life. This trip is just one of the many examples of how great you are. 

Let’s do this again

It is almost magical that 5 adults with packed schedule could get together, to do something very difficult, and to create memories that could last a lifetime.

In 10 year times, we could only be certain that things will change.

One of the things that I have every intention to keep and maintain is this friendship.

I am hopeful that we could make a trip like this happen again, even though a tremendous effort will be required.

Let's try to create another memorable experience as this group again in a year's time, on or before 1 Aug 2025? (I am trying to be practical here. Let's revisit this blog again next year and see if this happened.)

Hope this is not too cliche

I hope that this blog stored in the vast expanse of the immortal internet could keep a record of this experience and my gratitude to you.

All the best getting back to our daily lives and look forward to our next adventure. 


P.S. More photos here below: - 

Bryan Tan

Bryan Tan
