The Happy-Blue Monday Newsletter: Issue No. 1

The Happy-Blue Monday Newsletter: Issue No. 1
This is a happy blue! - Okinawa 2024

Monday is the toughest day of the week.

I want to give your Monday a happier shade of blue, with these five articles.

Hopefully, these will make your Monday easier and slightly more joyful: -

  1. 3 Must-Haves if you want to quit your job. (How fitting for a Monday!)
  2. A chat with my dog about desires and happiness. (My Dog and I do get philosophical sometimes.)
  3. Why is phone addiction a problem and how to overcome it. (For all the professionals here who have not one, but two or even more phones).
  4. Best questions to calm your worries, according to ancient wisdom and latest science. (We all need to worry less, don't we.)
  5. How a motorcycle almost killed me and what happened next. (Real story.)

Enjoy, and we will catch up again next week!


Bryan Tan

Bryan Tan
