After discussing the terrible idea that we shouldn't be addicted to ice cream, let's talk about a lighter topic - bombs and terrorists!
Many of us have read the
We all want to be happy, right? The ultimate goal of human existence is to seek pleasure, or so we're told. But what if I tell you, our relentless pursuit of
First of all, thanks for opening this email, again.
You are my very first bunch of subscribers. This means a lot. I am also starting to enjoy this daily hour of mine, sitting
Algorithms these days know more about us than we do. Recently, I have fallen down the Youtube rabbit hole of career change stories these days.
A once corporate lawyer named Zubin Pratap caught
Imagine you're on a beach in Phuket. You're sipping a beer and feeling the sun on your skin. There is no work, no pressure. Your biggest problem is where