Steve Jobs

I recently watched a tv series, which was so-so, but had an interesting idea. A young, ambitious staff at a pharmaceutical company made a deal with the god of death. He would have

鬼地方 / 香港 / 永靖 / 香港大學

鬼地方 - 陳思宏 「永靖對我來說,是個鬼地方, 我一輩子都想逃離。 陳家空廢,連篇鬼話。 我們終究都活不出永靖這個小地方。 陳天宏,出身彰化永靖,一個沒什麼人聽過的小地方。 他是家中么子,爸媽連生了五個沒用的女兒,最後兩胎才拚到男丁。 這么子逃到德國柏林,一心與家鄉割裂,卻意外殺了同志伴侶。 出獄之後,無處可去,只得返回永靖。 故事從島嶼小地方的一天說起, 爸媽大姊二姊三姊四姊五姊哥哥,還有陳天宏,陳家成員輪番登場, 視角切換,光怪陸離的崩壞眾生相逐遭披露, 層層窺見家族的傷痕與醜陋、小鎮的祕密、時代的恐怖與無情。 回到鬼地方的人怎麼面對難堪的過往? 一個小地方又怎麼會變成了鬼地方?」 有一陣子沒看的中文原文小說,

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson

I just finished the bio of Elon Musk, written by Walter Isaacson, the author who has also written the bio of Steve Jobs. A bio that has way more content and excitement than

I May Be Wrong

“I may be wrong” - a book written by a monk of 17 years, who, before that, was the youngest CFO of Swedish industrial gas company. This book is one I will remember