Your Choice, Our Journey

Your Choice, Our Journey
Hampta Pass, 2019

First of all, thanks for opening this email, again.

You are my very first bunch of subscribers. This means a lot. I am also starting to enjoy this daily hour of mine, sitting in front of my laptop, organising my thoughts and sharing with you.

As a lawyer, I am client oriented. (Yes, I treat you as clients. What's more important than your attention?) I wish to provide you with value, write about topics that I am good at, and that you are interested in.

So, here is what I could offer.

My Journey and Personal Growth

I originally named this section "the art of personal development" and realised it's not true (and way too cocky). I am not an expert, definitely not in personal development. Indeed, I hold a strong suspicion on anyone who claims themselves as life coach.

What I could offer is my on-going journey to be a better man. I used to procrastinate a lot. I used to feel lost. I used to have issues controlling my emotions. I had troubles with my finances and relationship with money.

Then, I improved.

I think on these issues and look for help online and from books. Some information I received is craps, but some are awesome. Most importantly, I put them into practice. And I feel like I am heading into the right direction. I would like to share that with you.

Now, I am quite proud to say that I am living a healthy and happy life with purpose (at least for most of the days).

For yesterday, I drove Dobby my dog to a dog park where both of us had a lot of fun. I had lunch and dinner with my girlfriend and spent quality time with her. I learnt coding for an hour, and spent another hour to write this blog. I replied to a few work emails (It is a public holiday today in Taiwan.). I had a drink with a friend and went to the gym.

True, it sounds tiring. But its fruitful, and I prefer busy living, instead of dying at an age of 30 and waiting to be buried.

This may not be a lifestyle that is suitable to everyone. Yet, I am just sure that there may be a thing or two that you could learn from, just like there must be things that others could learn from you.  


I entered law school without too much thoughts (I was good at reading and was horrible at maths, and I had very good grades. Well, that made up 90% of law students.)

After graduating, I became a lawyer in a corporate law firm. I realised I didn't like it, at all.

Fortunately, I learnt enough there. I was able to use the skills and experience of a corporate lawyer to secure residency in Taiwan and Canada. I managed to get into the real world and join a technology start-up as a counsel, which I find exciting.

This is an on-going journey and who knows, a new career path may be waiting ahead.  

For students and every person out there who think about their career, I would like to share with you my on-going journey and help solve your questions with you.  


Technology is the present and the future. Everyday, we hear about semi-conductors, AI, blockchain, crypto and so on. What do those actually mean? How do they affect the work space and you and me? Where should we begin if we want to learn more about those topics?

Learn about these stuff or you are likely to be left behind by the society, like horses before cars were invented (Well, it is not a perfect analogy as no one wants to be a horse. But you get the idea).

Everyone starts somewhere. This is where I start to look into these issues seriously. (Indeed, I just started first day of my course on coding, will keep everyone posted!)

Just let me Know

Let me know what are you interested in. Suggest topics. Ask your friends. I want to listen. I want to provide you with something. I will work on that.

Just type 1) Self-help 2) Career/Laws 3) Tech in the comment section and let me know the topics you are interested in. I promise, I will look into those and very likely write on such topics.

Bryan Tan

Bryan Tan
