I went to Harvard and built this!

I went to Harvard and built this!
All jokes aside - what does university education means to you? Of course, it is so much more than joining lectures. But, the actual lecture that are attended by Harvard students are now online, so you could get part of the Harvard experience, if you want to (not that different from some of the students during Covid indeed). 

Before you call me a Harvard alum, let me clarify: I didn't physically attend Harvard University. I enrolled in an online course offered by Harvard called CS50. (This is indeed my second online course from Harvard; the first one was "Justice".)

University, choices, and life

All jokes aside - what does university education mean to you? Of course, it is so much more than joining lectures. But, the actual lecture that are attended by Harvard students are now put online, so you could get part of the Harvard experience, if you want to (not that different from some of the students during Covid indeed).

When I was 17 and had to pick my undergraduate major, I wasn't that clear about what I wanted to do. I chose law and sometimes wonder what I would have picked if I could choose again. With recent advancements in technology, I imagine I should have pursued something computer-related.

The beauty of life is that we don't have to choose just once. We can choose again and again. In this age of the internet, if you want to learn something, the resources are out there.

The First Program I Built

After a week, I learned some basics of computer science and some coding concepts. So, I decided to put what I learned to use and solve one of the most common arguments between my girlfriend and me.

Like most couples, we spent 50% of our time thinking about what to eat (and the other 50% eating). So, I built a program to guide us on what to have for meals. And it looks something like this:

A simple program to decide what to have for meals. 

Yes, it is very simple. But, if you are like me and completely new to programming languages, it takes time and some brain energy to build this. I'm not going to lie – this small program gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes me rather happy.

Don't be Afraid

If you are like me and are thinking of starting something new, don't be afraid to start small. Even Harvard students start with coding with "Hello World", just like everyone else.

If you are like me and sometimes regret what you picked in college, don't worry. Resources are available for you to learn whatever you want to.

If you are like me and want to live your life to the fullest, the only way is to go ahead and do it.

So, thank you for reading about my first journey into coding. I hope there will be more to share.

What about you? What do you want to learn about? Comment below and let me know!

Bryan Tan

Bryan Tan
