My Friends - Don't beat yourself (myself) too hard
The few readers who actually read this blog might realise that I am less productive these days. And you are right - and the reason is...
My Downs Recently
No, I don't have a good reason for that.
Life has ups and downs, so do emotions and productivity.
Not too long ago, I felt so energetic - I wanted to advance my career as a tech lawyer, write a blog per day, learn about programing, start a business and on and on.
Yet, recently, I have been quite addicted to Slam Dunk (the 1996 tv show now played in Netflix) and the Office (on Amazon Prime) and spent more time on the shows than I should. The coding classes get too hard for my brain which has been idling for too long. Every business ideas which pop up in my head either seems impracticable, or impossible. Even for badminton, the game I love, I feel like I am playing worse for no reasons.
And I sometimes feel down, even though nothing has really gone wrong. It just feels that I am not doing enough, or I am not good enough.

Thankfully, I have some very good people around me. When I lost my sense, they brought that back to me. Plus, I do not want to be the downer. I get to pick myself up.
Do at least a few things a Day, mindfully
Habits - There are a lot of "good" or "useful" things to be done, but I need to take a step back and avoid burning out. Here are a list of things which I wish I would do and are certainly beneficial, so if I do at least four of them every day, it's a good day.
The important thing is I do not just "do" those stuff absent-mindedly, but with mindfulness and do it with all my heart and attention.
1) Walk my dog
2) Go to the gym
3) Stretching
4) Writing (journaling or blogging)
5) Reading/Watching a Movie
6) Talk properly to my family (my partner included)
7) Meet a friend
8) Learn about coding or technology in general
9) Think about potential business plans
10) Make plans (vacation, family etc.) for my family
(If I judge myself against the above standards, actually I am doing quite well. I almost always do 5 of the above every single day. Self-pat on my back.)
Nothing Wrong to Be Average
More importantly, I should remind myself that I am just an average person, and there's nothing wrong with that. I am not a productive machine which churns out products every hour. We are a wonder ourselves, even if we are not "producing" any measurable, positive effect on a particular day.
Haven't written a blog for awhile? Just pick that up again, start with something simple. (This is exactly what this blog is about).
Played bad in a badminton match? Remind myself that I am not a professional player, and I do not (and will never be able to) earn a living by playing badminton. Just have fun!
Watched Netflix for a few consecutive nights? Good, enjoy it with your loved ones. If you get any insights of any shows, jot them down and share it with others.
Keep working on my goals. If I stopped for whatever reasons, just pick that up and keep going. Believe that something good will happen as long as I keep working on it.
Take a deep breathe, look around us and count our blessings. We are, and will be fine. Take care my friends!
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