From Lawyer to Coder

Algorithms these days know more about us than we do. Recently, I have fallen down the Youtube rabbit hole of career change stories these days.
A once corporate lawyer named Zubin Pratap caught my attention. He had close to zero computer background, but was fascinated by the world of software engineering. So what did he do? He taught himself how to code and landed a job as a Google engineer. (Piece of cake!)
Computer language is fascinating. How do you type magic words and have the computer do what you want, and even build something like a browser, an APP, and ever AI. Each of the above is like rocket science to me. It looks too cool, too unreal.
But, but, if a corporate lawyer who buried his head in corporate documents for 12 years could make it. What's stopping me? Everyone starts somewhere.
I actually have a very good friend who was a successful banking lawyer. She decided suddenly she was done helping the rich get richer. She quitted and enrolled in one of the most prestigious medical school in Hong Kong. Her determination constantly reminds me that it is possible to make career changes.
With the development of generative AI, the undisputed truth is that average lawyers will have a difficult time. (I try my best to be a better than average lawyer.) But at the same time, why not learn something new? What do we have to lose?
I have given up on a lot of things, French, Japanese, you name it. But I could finish a law degree in Hong Kong. I got admitted as an England and Wales solicitor while I work full time. These are proof that I could get things done, too.
To learn about coding, the resources are out there, easily accessible to anyone who is interested. (For myself, being a lawyer in a technology company that works in the latest technology doesn't hurt too.)
Putting yourself on the internet is daunting. Maybe in 10 years, I will laugh at myself having this absurd idea. Or maybe, this will be the beginning of another chapter of mine. Let's add the learning of coding to my to-do-list and see where this leads to. (It's getting longer and longer.. But, these are good life problems right?)
Have you considered a career change? Let me know down there.
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